Setting Up and Compiling the Newer Sources

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Here are the tutorials to set up and compile the NewerSMBW sources, along with a few questions regarding the NewerSMBW sources. The tutorials will guide you through compiling NewerSMBW version 1.3.0. The compiled code is not compatible with earlier versions of NewerSMBW (version 1.2.0 and below).

The estimated time to set up and compile the NewerSMBW sources may take between 30 minutes and 2 hours, depending on your computer specs, knowledge with the terminal or command prompt, internet connection speed, etc.

If you get "permission denied" or "read-only filesystem" errors, see this here.


Credits and Release Information

Original tutorial by Tempus, and heavily edited by User:9211tr. Updated/working as of 2023.
This has been tested on macOS 10.15 Catalina. It should work on any version later than 10.15 Catalina, but it's not guaranteed to work on any version earlier than 10.15 Catalina.

Installing Zstandard

Download the latest release of MacPorts here. Make sure to download the .pkg file, and follow the install instructions. If you're on 10.15 Catalina, download the .pkg file for 10.15 Catalina. Afterwards, open the terminal (if you haven't already), and type:

port install zstd

If you get a message saying "The xcodebuild command requires the command line developer tools", click Install, read the license agreement that pops up, and agree to it. After the installation is finished, in the terminal, type Y to install Zstandard.

Installing Wineskin Winery

In the terminal, type:

curl -o WineskinWinery.txz -fSL

Afterwards, in the terminal, type:

tar -xvf WineskinWinery.txz -C /Applications
rm WineskinWinery.txz

Or you can manually download Wineskin Winery here:
And extract the .txz file to the /Applications directory.

Preparing the Wineskin wrapper

In the terminal, type:

open "/Applications/Wineskin"

NOTE: If you get an error saying "This app is downloaded from the internet and cannot be opened", see this here. Also, Wineskin Winery is not malicious. Your anti-virus software may freak out and interfere with things, but they're false positives, so temporarily disable your anti-virus software.

The Wineskin Winery window should pop up:

Under the Wrapper Version section, click Update and hit OK. Then under the Installed Engines section, click the + button. The Add Engine window should pop up. Type WS11WineCX64Bit in the search bar and select the latest version (which is at the top of the dropdown menu below, latest version was 21.2.0 at the time when this tutorial was written):

Click Download and Install and hit OK. Click Create New Blank Wrapper. Name it NewerSMBWcompilingWrapper and hit OK. Then close the Wineskin Winery window.

Installing devkitPPC

In the terminal, type:

cd /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/
curl -o devkitPPC.tar.zst -fSL

(where <MacUsernameID> is your Mac's username ID). Afterwards, in the terminal, type:

tar --use-compress-program=unzstd -xvf devkitPPC.tar.zst --strip-components=1 -C /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/
rm devkitPPC.tar.zst

Or you can manually download devkitPPC here (make sure to download the Windows x86-64 .tar.zst file):
And extract the opt/devkitpro directory (inside the .tar.zst file) to the /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/ directory.

Downloading the NewerSMBW sources

In the terminal, type:

curl -o -fSL

Afterwards, in the terminal, type:

tar -xvf -C /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/

Or you can manually download the NewerSMBW sources here:
And download the .zip file and extract it to the /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/ directory.

Downloading the CodeWarrior files

In the terminal, type:

cd /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/
mkdir tools/cw
curl -o tools/cw/license.dat -fSL
curl -o tools/cw/lmgr11.dll -fSL
curl -o tools/cw/mwasmeppc.exe -fSL
curl -o tools/cw/mwcceppc.exe -fSL
curl -o tools/cw/mwldeppc.exe -fSL

Installing Python/PyElfTools/PyYAML/DataClasses

Python 3.6.x or later is required. Download it here, and click on "Latest Python 3 Release" and download the Windows 64-bit (x86-64) executable installer. If you need to use Python 3.6.x, scroll down on the "Stable Releases" section and go to "Python 3.6.8".

Once you're done downloading the Python .exe file, in the terminal, type:

chmod -R 777 /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/
open /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/

The Wineskin window should pop up:

Click Install Software --> Choose Setup Executable. Select the Python .exe file you just downloaded and hit Choose, then follow the install instructions, and make sure you check the box that says Add Python to PATH (or similar).

Once the installation is finished, normally Wineskin will ask you to choose the executable. If it does, do not choose it. Instead, hit Command-Q on the keyboard to quit Wineskin. If the Python installation was successful and Wineskin says no new executables are found, then it's probably because it didn't detect the Python installation. In that case, click OK and hit Command-Q on the keyboard to quit Wineskin.

In the terminal, type:

open /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/

Then in the Wineskin window, click Advanced, type cmd in the "Windows app" box, and hit Command-Q on the keyboard. Again, in the terminal, type the same command above. The Command Prompt should open.

If you're on Python 3.6.x only, you need to update "pip" (which is the Python package manager) to the latest supported version for Python 3.6.x (which is "pip" version 21.3.1). In the Command Prompt, type:

python -m pip install --upgrade "pip < 22.0"

If you're on the latest Python version, you can simply update "pip" to the latest version by typing python -m pip install --upgrade pip

After upgrading, install PyElfTools/PyYAML. In the Command Prompt, type:

python -m pip install pyelftools
python -m pip install pyyaml

NOTE: If you're on Python 3.6.x, you'll need to install the DataClasses library because the NewerSMBW sources requires this. This is not required if you're using Python 3.7 or later, because it already has the DataClasses library built in. In the Command Prompt, type:

python -m pip install dataclasses

Compiling the NewerSMBW sources

At any time, temporarily disable your anti-virus software (your anti-virus software will freak out and interfere with things, but they're false positives and not malicious) and open the Finder. Hit Shift-Command-G on the keyboard and go to the ~/Applications/Wineskin folder. Double-click on The Command Prompt should open. In the Command Prompt, type:

cd C:\NewerSMBW-cw\Kamek

Afterwards, in the Command Prompt, either type:

  • makeAnother.bat (the script to compile AnotherSMBW)
  • makeFL.bat (the script to compile Newer Falling Leaf)
  • makeHolidaySpecial.bat (the script to compile Newer Holiday Special)
  • makeNewer.bat (the script to compile NewerSMBW)
  • makeSummerSun.bat (the script to compile Newer Summer Sun)

NOTE: You only need to type makeNewer.bat to run the script to compile NewerSMBW. There's no need to type anything else to run the other scripts, unless if you have a reason to compile the sources for any of the "NewerSMBW specials".


Once the compilation is finished and no syntax errors (or whatever errors) occurred, you're all done. Your compiled .bin files will be automatically renamed to their readable names, and will be located at the NewerSMBW-cw/Kamek/Build_X folder (where X is the name of the built project, Build_AnotherProject {for AnotherSMBW}, Build_NewerFL {for Newer Falling Leaf}, Build_NewerProject {for NewerSMBW}, Build_SummerSun {for Newer Summer Sun}, Build_XmasProject {for Newer Holiday Special}).

In the Finder, right-click on and click Show Package Contents. Go to the drive_c/NewerSMBW-cw/Kamek/Build_X folder. Then drag the .bin files into your /NewerRes, /AnotherRes (for AnotherSMBW only), or /MasNewerRes (for Newer Holiday Special only) folder in your NewerSMBW (or "NewerSMBW special") game patch folder and test your mods out! If you want to start making minor code edits to the game, see the Code Editing category for a list of changes that you can make!

Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Credits and Release Information

Original tutorial by Grop, and heavily edited by User:9211tr + slightly edited by User:RedStoneMatt. Updated/working as of 2023.
Also, you'll need to use the 64-bit (x86-64 or AMD64) version of Debian or Ubuntu, since some of the necessary tools/programs needed for compiling NewerSMBW are no longer compatible with the 32-bit (i386 or i686) version.

Updating apt-get

Open the terminal (if you haven't already) and type:

cd /
apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y

If you get an error saying "Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open" when trying to run apt-get update -y, just simply type rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock and the error should be gone. If a similar error also occurs when trying to run apt-get upgrade -y (Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open), just simply type rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock and the error should be gone.

Installing Wine/libarchive-tools/PyElfTools/PyYAML

In the terminal, type:

apt-get install -y wine-stable
apt-get install -y libarchive-tools
apt-get install -y python3-pyelftools
apt-get install -y python3-yaml

NOTE: If you get an error saying "Package wine-stable is not available, but is referred to by another package" (usually if you're on Debian), in the terminal, type:

apt-get install -y wine

Installing devkitPPC

In the terminal, type:

wget -O devkitPPC.tar.zst

Afterwards, in the terminal, type:

tar -xvf devkitPPC.tar.zst -C /
rm devkitPPC.tar.zst

Or you can manually download devkitPPC here (make sure to download the Linux x86-64 .tar.zst file):
And extract the .tar.zst file to the / directory.

Downloading the NewerSMBW sources

In the terminal, type:

wget -O

Afterwards, in the terminal, type:

bsdtar -xvf -C /

Or you can manually download the NewerSMBW sources here:
And download the .zip file and extract it to the / directory.

Downloading the CodeWarrior files

In the terminal, type:

cd /NewerSMBW-cw/Kamek
mkdir tools/cw
wget -O tools/cw/license.dat
wget -O tools/cw/lmgr11.dll
wget -O tools/cw/mwasmeppc.exe
wget -O tools/cw/mwcceppc.exe
wget -O tools/cw/mwldeppc.exe

Compiling the NewerSMBW sources

At any time, open the terminal and type:

cd /NewerSMBW-cw/Kamek

Afterwards, in the terminal, either type:

  • ./makeAnother (the script to compile AnotherSMBW)
  • ./makeFL (the script to compile Newer Falling Leaf)
  • ./makeHolidaySpecial (the script to compile Newer Holiday Special)
  • ./makeNewer (the script to compile NewerSMBW)
  • ./makeSummerSun (the script to compile Newer Summer Sun)

NOTE: If you're on Ubuntu, make sure to use sudo -i instead, as su doesn't work on Ubuntu. Also, you only need to type ./makeNewer to run the script to compile NewerSMBW. There's no need to type anything else to run the other scripts, unless if you have a reason to compile the sources for any of the "NewerSMBW specials". If you get "permission denied" errors when typing any of the commands above, then you'll need to give the scripts execute permissions. In the terminal, type:

chmod +x makeAnother
chmod +x makeFL
chmod +x makeHolidaySpecial
chmod +x makeNewer
chmod +x makeSummerSun

If you get an error saying "it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it. multiarch needs to be enabled first" (usually if you're on Debian), in the terminal, type:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y wine32

If you get an error saying "wine: could not load kernel32.dll, status c0000135", in the terminal, type:

rm -r ~/.wine

If you get a "permission denied" error with tools/c++filt//linux/powerpc-eabi-c++filt, in the terminal, type:

chmod +x tools/c++filt//linux/powerpc-eabi-c++filt


Once the compilation is finished and no syntax errors (or whatever errors) occurred, you're all done. Your compiled .bin files will be automatically renamed to their readable names, and will be located at the /NewerSMBW-cw/Kamek/Build_X folder (where X is the name of the built project, Build_AnotherProject {for AnotherSMBW}, Build_NewerFL {for Newer Falling Leaf}, Build_NewerProject {for NewerSMBW}, Build_SummerSun {for Newer Summer Sun}, Build_XmasProject {for Newer Holiday Special}).

Just drag the .bin files into your /NewerRes, /AnotherRes (for AnotherSMBW only), or /MasNewerRes (for Newer Holiday Special only) folder in your NewerSMBW (or "NewerSMBW special") game patch folder and test your mods out! If you want to start making minor code edits to the game, see the Code Editing category for a list of changes that you can make!


Credits and Release Information

Original tutorial by User:MandyIGuess, and heavily edited by User:9211tr. Updated/working as of 2023.


  • Windows 7 or later
  • Python 3.6.x or later (download here, and click on "Latest Python 3 Release", if you need to use Python 3.6.x, scroll down on the "Stable Releases" section and go to "Python 3.6.8")
  • Python libraries: PyElfTools, PyYAML, and DataClasses
  • devkitPPC (download here)
  • NXP CodeWarrior Special Edition for MPC55xx/MPC56xx v2.10
  • An internet connection
  • The NewerSMBW sources (download the .zip file here)


Step 1

For Python, download the Windows 32-bit (x86) executable installer file (if you're on a 32-bit Windows OS), or the Windows 64-bit (x86-64) executable installer file (if you're on a 64-bit Windows OS). Once you're done downloading the .exe installer file, follow the install instructions, and make sure you check the box that says Add Python to PATH (or similar).

For devkitPPC, download the devkitPPC-r44.2-2-win32_i686.pkg.tar.zst file (if you're on a 32-bit Windows OS), or the devkitPPC-r44.2-2-windows_x86_64.pkg.tar.zst file (if you're on a 64-bit Windows OS). Extract the opt\devkitpro folder (inside the .tar.zst file) to C:\.

Step 2

If you're on Python 3.6.x only, you need to update "pip" (which is the Python package manager) to the latest supported version for Python 3.6.x (which is "pip" version 21.3.1). Open the Windows Command Prompt (if you haven't already) and type:

python -m pip install --upgrade "pip < 22.0"

If you're on the latest Python version, you can simply update "pip" to the latest version by typing python -m pip install --upgrade pip

After upgrading, install PyElfTools/PyYAML. In the Windows Command Prompt, type:

python -m pip install pyelftools
python -m pip install pyyaml

NOTE: If you're on Python 3.6.x, you'll need to install the DataClasses library because the NewerSMBW sources requires this. This is not required if you're using Python 3.7 or later, because it already has the DataClasses library built in. In the Windows Command Prompt, type:

python -m pip install dataclasses

Step 3

Extract the NewerSMBW sources .zip file to C:\. The folder for the NewerSMBW sources should be called NewerSMBW-cw.

Step 4

Open the Windows Explorer (if you haven't already), go to the C:\NewerSMBW-cw\Kamek\tools folder. Create a new folder called cw.

Download the CodeWarrior files:

and place them into the cw folder. Afterwards, open the Control Panel. Set the "View by" dropdown to Large icons, and go to System --> Advanced system settings --> Advanced --> Environment Variables.... In the system variables box, make sure to add the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable (with the value C:\NewerSMBW-cw\Kamek\tools\cw\license.dat) and hit OK.

Step 5

At any time, open the Windows Explorer. Go to the C:\NewerSMBW-cw\Kamek folder. In the folder, scroll down until you see these files (and click on any of them):

  • makeAnother.bat (the script to compile AnotherSMBW)
  • makeFL.bat (the script to compile Newer Falling Leaf)
  • makeHolidaySpecial.bat (the script to compile Newer Holiday Special)
  • makeNewer.bat (the script to compile NewerSMBW)
  • makeSummerSun.bat (the script to compile Newer Summer Sun)

NOTE: You only need to click on makeNewer.bat to run the script to compile NewerSMBW. There's no need to click on anything else to run the other scripts, unless if you have a reason to compile the sources for any of the "NewerSMBW specials".

Once the compilation is finished and no syntax errors (or whatever errors) occurred, you're all done. Your compiled .bin files will be automatically renamed to their readable names, and will be located at the NewerSMBW-cw/Kamek/Build_X folder (where X is the name of the built project, Build_AnotherProject {for AnotherSMBW}, Build_NewerFL {for Newer Falling Leaf}, Build_NewerProject {for NewerSMBW}, Build_SummerSun {for Newer Summer Sun}, Build_XmasProject {for Newer Holiday Special}).

Just drag the .bin files into your /NewerRes, /AnotherRes (for AnotherSMBW only), or /MasNewerRes (for Newer Holiday Special only) folder in your NewerSMBW (or "NewerSMBW special") game patch folder and test your mods out! If you want to start making minor code edits to the game, see the Code Editing category for a list of changes that you can make!


How do I resolve the "permission denied" and "read-only filesystem" errors when typing a command in the terminal?

Also, how do I resolve the error when trying to open apps downloaded from the internet on macOS?

Type sudo <command> for every command in the tutorial (where <command> is the command in the terminal that you have to type), and enter the password when prompted. Even better, you can simply type su in the terminal to circumvent all sudo commands, so you won't have to type sudo <command> every time. If you're on Ubuntu or macOS, su doesn't work, so you'll need to type sudo -i instead.

NOTE: If no text is shown when typing the password, it does not mean it's not working, the text is hidden so in case if anyone is watching the computer screen behind your back, they won't see your password.

If you're on macOS and still getting "permission denied" errors, even after typing sudo -i, this is due to Apple's System Integrity Protection (SIP) in OS X 10.11 El Capitan and later. You'll need to enter into recovery mode to disable it. To enter recovery mode:
1: If you have multiple internal hard drive partitions/volumes alongside your macOS partition/volume, you'll need to go into System Preferences (the gear icon in the dock, which is at the bottom of the screen), and click Startup Disk.
2: Click the lock to make changes and select the disk where your macOS partition/volume is, then restart your Mac.
3: As soon as when your Mac starts up, hold down Command-R on the keyboard until the Apple logo shows up, to enter recovery mode.
4: In recovery mode, go to Utilities --> Terminal. In the terminal, type csrutil disable, then restart your Mac to exit out of recovery mode.

If you're on macOS and are also getting a "read-only filesystem" error, this is due to macOS 10.15 Catalina having a separate read-only volume (for the / directory and critical system files) alongside the writable, user data volume. You'll need to disable Apple's System Integrity Protection (SIP), first, following the steps above. Afterwards, open the terminal (if you haven't already) and type mount -uw /, to make the / directory writable again.

This change will automatically be reverted when you restart your Mac. For it to be permanent (at least whenever you start the terminal), when the terminal is open (and you've clicked on the terminal window), go to Terminal --> Preferences... --> Profiles --> Shell. Under the Startup section in the terminal preferences window, check the box that says Run Command and Run inside shell. In the text box, type the command sudo mount -uw /, and exit the terminal preferences window. Now every time you start up the terminal, you'll always be able to modify the / directory.

If you're unable to open apps downloaded from the internet on macOS, you'll need to allow apps downloaded from anywhere. To allow it:
1: Go into System Preferences (the gear icon in the dock, which is at the bottom of the screen), and click Security & Privacy.
2: Click the lock to make changes and under the "Allow apps downloaded from" section, select Anywhere.
3: If Anywhere isn't visible (usually if you're on macOS 10.12 Sierra or later), then open the terminal (if you haven't already) and type spctl --master-disable to forcibly allow apps downloaded from anywhere.

Can I have multiple folders for the NewerSMBW sources?


Open the terminal (if you haven't already), copy the NewerSMBW-cw folder by typing the commands:

cd /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/
cp -r NewerSMBW-cw <NewFolderName>

If you need an unmodified and fresh copy, you can simply redownload it by typing these commands:

cd /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/
mkdir <NewFolderName>
curl -o -fSL
tar -xvf --strip-components=1 -C <NewFolderName>
cd <NewFolderName>/Kamek
mkdir tools/cw
curl -o tools/cw/license.dat -fSL
curl -o tools/cw/lmgr11.dll -fSL
curl -o tools/cw/mwasmeppc.exe -fSL
curl -o tools/cw/mwcceppc.exe -fSL
curl -o tools/cw/mwldeppc.exe -fSL

(where <NewFolderName> is the folder name of the copy of the NewerSMBW sources folder and <MacUsernameID> is your Mac's username ID).

NOTE: <NewFolderName> must be inside the /Users/<MacUsernameID>/Applications/Wineskin/ directory in order for it to be visible by the Command Prompt (when typing cd C:\<NewFolderName>\Kamek in the Command Prompt). Also, do not have <NewFolderName> as NewerSMBW-cw or your current NewerSMBW sources will be OVERWRITTEN.

Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Open the terminal (if you haven't already), copy the NewerSMBW-cw folder by typing the commands:

cd /
cp -r NewerSMBW-cw <NewFolderName>

If you need an unmodified and fresh copy, you can simply redownload it by typing these commands:

cd /
mkdir <NewFolderName>
wget -O
bsdtar -xvf --strip-components=1 -C <NewFolderName>
cd <NewFolderName>/Kamek
mkdir tools/cw
wget -O tools/cw/license.dat
wget -O tools/cw/lmgr11.dll
wget -O tools/cw/mwasmeppc.exe
wget -O tools/cw/mwcceppc.exe
wget -O tools/cw/mwldeppc.exe
chmod +x makeAnother
chmod +x makeFL
chmod +x makeHolidaySpecial
chmod +x makeNewer
chmod +x makeSummerSun
chmod +x tools/c++filt//linux/powerpc-eabi-c++filt

(where <NewFolderName> is the folder name of the copy of the NewerSMBW sources folder).
NOTE: If you're on Ubuntu, make sure to use sudo -i instead, as su doesn't work on Ubuntu. Also, do not have <NewFolderName> as NewerSMBW-cw or your current NewerSMBW sources will be OVERWRITTEN.


Copy the NewerSMBW-cw folder by right-clicking on the folder and clicking Copy. After that, go to the new location that you want it to be in and right-click and click Paste.

If you need an unmodified and fresh copy, open the NewerSMBW sources .zip file (that you previously downloaded) and extract it to the new location that you want it to be in.

If you want to rename the folder in the new location after copying it or extracting the .zip file, right-click on the folder and click Rename.

Additional steps required for an unmodified and fresh copy of the NewerSMBW sources

Open the Windows Explorer (if you haven't already), go to the Kamek\tools folder (of the NewerSMBW sources folder). Create a new folder called cw.

Download the CodeWarrior files:

and place them into the cw folder.